Today I am 17 weeks and 4 days pregnant with my second child. Above is my belly this week, its getting bigger every week. I'm formally only wearing maternity clothes now. Here is what has been going on this week.
How many weeks? 17
What's going on with baby?: Its about 13cm by now, the size of an onion. The baby can swallow, suck and blink.
Appointments: I had my 16 week appointment last Tuesday. It all went well, we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat which was 158bpm. I had blood taken which is being analysed to find out the baby's blood group as I am rhesus negative. If the baby is also Rhesus negative then i won't need to have anti-D at 28 weeks. My blood pressure was 118/68.
Symptoms: Still getting dizzy spells, feels like i may get them throughout this pregnancy. I have been extra hungry again and tiredness has been creeping in too.
Weight: 132.8lbs
Gain/Loss this week: +1.0 lbs
Total gain: 10.8 lbs
Belly: 36 inches
Sleep: Same as last week really but I've been going to bed a bit later the past few nights so haven't needed a wee in the night!
Movement: Lots of movement every day now.
Cravings: Nothing specific.
Purchases: Gina Ford, contented baby and toddler book.
What I'm wearing: Next maternity jeans and new look t-shirt.
Male or Female?: We don't know the baby's gender yet.
Looking forward to: Seeing my mom this weekend and getting my oven cleaned!
Here is my 17 week pregnancy vlog
See you at 18 weeks
Love Suzanne xxx