Reuben's 10 month update
Weight: 19lb 4oz (about 35th centile). Roo's weight has been progressing steadily and he is doing well. We are always a bit worried about his weight, as he has never been a good milk drinker and because we are doing baby led leaning he sometimes doesn't eat a whole lot either. But, he must be getting what he needs so we just need to chill!
Height: 72.5cm
Clothes: some 9 - 12 months but mainly 12-18 months
Feeding: 3 formula feeds at day, 6am, 2.30pm and 6.30pm. He takes between 150 and 210 at each feed. Roo is on 3 meals a day now and a couple of snacks. We are doing baby led weaning as Roo refused to eat from a spoon very early on and just wants to do everything himself! We are mainly doing recipes from the Gill Rapley book, combined with some foods we all eat and simple meals like beans or scrambled eggs on toast.
Development: Lots has happened in 5 months since my last update. Roo is now crawling and pulling himself up to standing. He was very mobile from about 8 months where he would do continuous rolling to get where he wanted, with the odd push off with his feet on the door or sofa. The then started to drag himself along the floor, commando style from about 9 months. He started crawling properly at 9.5 months and pulling himself up at 10 months. He still only says 'dada', 'mama' and 'baba' but he recognises his name, can clap his hands, put shapes in a sorter (with help) and copy movements.
Activities: Now that the summer holidays are here, a lot of the classes we were going to (rhyme time, swimming, boogie bop) have all finished. It's a real shame everything stops in the school holidays. Also, lots of the mums i've met are starting to go back to work. So we are just in the process of figuring out what our week looks like. I still want to try the crèche at David Lloyd, I want to take Roo swimming at least once a week and there are some soft plays I want to try out (particularly the one in Hengrove).
Favourite things: stacking cups, shape sorter, books, ikea truck, tiger hand puppet, At the Zoo singalong CD
Poo: We are averaging 2 to 4 a day.
Nicknames: Roo, Sausage, poppet, mommy's monkey
Our routine is all over the place at the moment, Roo is now harder to settle for naps and sometimes refuses his morning nap altogether.
We generally get up between 5.30 and 6.30, but id say more often its 5.30! He then has his milk, 210mls from a beaker.
Breakfast is between 7 and 7.45, depending on what time we get up.
9am brush teeth and get dressed
Morning nap, anytime between not happening or 9 to 10.
Snack of some sort at around 11
Lunch 11.30 to 12 ish. Today he had mackeral on toast, with melted cheese, some cucumber and a fromais frais.
Afternoon nap, generally between 1 and 2 but today he slept from 10 to 12 this morning so just had half an hour at 4.30.
Dinner was at 5, but we are trialling 4.30 as he can be sick in the evenings after his bath so we are seeing if this helps.
Bath 6.20pm
Story, milk 180mls, brush teeth
7pm bed
Purchases: highchair - another one. We didn't get on with the Joie Mimzy, so we've just got an Ikea Antolope. Ikea toys- truck and hammer and pegs (I couldn't just get a highchair), 12-18 month clothes, 1tog sleeping bag as its been rather warm.
Places we've been: the photo above is taken on the beach at Weston-super-mare and was Roo's first time on the beach. We had our first holiday to Brixham and Cornwall, chek out our holiday video
We are also trying out various soft plays, including
Playport at Portishead
Playspace at Avonmeads
Bristol gymnastics centre
The gymastics centre was by far the best for Roo's age.
See you at 11 months (which is less than two weeks away)